Matt's Movie Reviews

I had never seen a single movie, until you guys made me…

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Snatch (2000)


Did you understand a single word of what he just said?

THE SUMMARY: A predicament for a duo of underground boxing promoters collides with an ongoing battle to obtain a gigantic stolen diamond, and most everybody dies in coincidental or crazy ways in the process. Did you understand a single word of what he just said? No, no I did not. Because I had to read it. In a language I speak. Because yes, I did watch it with subtitles on. Too many storylines. Too many characters. Too little intrigue or entertainment.

FROM MOVIE-PICKER CHARLES: Guy Richie heist film with several memorable characters. Hilarious caper hijinks in a more polished and star-studded film than his earlier but also excellent Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels.


  • The pub scene was decent: The only scene that had me decently interested or entertained was the confrontation of Tony at the pub. The ‘big brave balls and little mincy faggot balls’ dialogue was funny and cleverly written, even if a little juvenile. As in most circumstances in life, a little calm confidence and a firearm for backup go a long way. Valuable lessons.

You’re having second thoughts - you’re shrinking.



  • A chore to understand: Much of the dialogue is completely unlistenable and unintelligible. The thick British accents, the weird Brad Pitt Irish accent - almost all of it is impossible to understand, which means subtitles are mandatory and I hate reading a movie anyway. But I especially hate reading a movie in a language I speak. Even if the lines are good, it cuts from the enjoyment and reduces the value of the actor’s delivery, since I’m relying on reading and not on his presentation.

  • A chore to follow: The movie has far too many characters, and far too many of them are far too similar. Throughout watching, I was lost with who is who, who is doing what, and why they are doing it. Many of the characters are similar in personality, circumstance, and even appearance, adding to confusion. I make a commitment not to read about a movie plot before or during a viewing, and I did, but following this movie in one watch is nearly impossible. It’s just a bunch of various rowdy British guys fighting, and most rowdy British guys die in the end. Sorry for the spoilers.

  • A chore to enjoy: Way too many characters and storylines also means any individual one has less time to develop, to be enjoyed, or to stand out. The result is a mess of mediocrity in a blender at best, with no person or situation that I actually care about.

Did you understand a single word?


THE RATING: 1/5 Wickies. I wish I had more to write, but I hated nearly every minute. Not funny. Not interesting. Not even followable.


YOUR RATING: Vote here ⬇


NEXT WEEK: Predator (1987)


AFTER THAT? YOU PICK - VOTE! This is the last vote on listener Charles’ list. The list of nominees for March will refresh for next week’s vote.


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