Matt's Movie Reviews

I had never seen a single movie, until you guys made me…

For a sorted reference of all movie reviews and scores, see the movie review stats page.

The First 100 Movies: a Data Visualization and Breakdown

To commemorate our first 100 movie reviews, our friend at The Data Digest YouTube channel created these graphics displaying the top 25 audience-rated movies, as well as the bottom 25 audience-rated movies, as well as where Blonde and I landed on each of them (plus the IMDB audience score). Click to expand!

SOME ANALYSIS - The Data Digest notes the following:

  • For the audience’s top 25 movies, Matt’s ratings are almost all higher than Blonde’s. In the audience’s bottom 25, that trend is reversed - Matt more commonly rates lower than Blonde.

  • The movies of widest disagreement between Matt and the audience include The Thing, The Princess Bride, and Airplane!, all of which Matt scored lower than the audience.

  • The movies of widest disagreement between Blonde and the audience include Die Hard, Jurassic Park, and Aliens, all of which Blonde rated lower than the audience.

  • The audience’s bottom 25 movies are universally scored below the IMDb audience rating. Even if some on IMDB hate these movies, our audience hated them more, some drastically so (Léon: The Professional).

  • In general, universal audience hate has yet to emerge. Even the audience’s lowest scoring movies are collectively scored around three Wickies, which would be the theoretical average of the one-to-five scale.

ADDITIONAL ANALYSIS FROM MICHAEL SCHLECHT: In addition to these graphics from The Data Digest, Friend of the Show™ Michael Schlecht has created a movie review statistics page that assembles and organizes the movie scores each week for easy reference. Michael offers the following aggregate data at the 100 movie mark:


Of note, the difference between Matt and Blonde’s average scores has tightened significantly this year. At the 100 movie mark, Matt’s average score is only 0.03 Wickies higher than Blonde’s. The audience tends to score about a half-Wicky higher consistently. Matt’s distribution is the broadest of the group, with 18 five-Wickies, and eight one-Wickies compared to Blonde’s 13 and 10 respectively. Blonde tends to stick in the three to four-Wicky range more consistently, though not as much as the audience. The audience has given 58 roughly four-Wicky ratings. Out of 100, that’s a strong majority of the ratings, and almost exactly aligned with IMDb.

Thank you to The Data Digest and Michael Schlecht for their continued assistance and analysis of the movie reviews. Please subscribe to The Data Digest on YouTube, and follow Michael Schecht on Twitter.