Alien (1979)
I’m not drawing any straws - I'm for killing that goddamn thing right now!
THE SUMMARY: Breaking quarantine actually has consequences when a team of space travelers loses control of a newly discovered alien life form. There are many things to appreciate about this movie: great sets and effects, interesting plot twists, jump scares you know are coming but still get you, and more. I really want to love this movie, and I did enjoy it, still - a few factors hold me back from awarding the coveted 5 Wicky perfection.
Bro, does this look infected to you?
Excellent sets and effects: I’m very impressed that a 40+ year old movie still holds up visually. The sets were detailed and interesting, as well as dynamic - the spaceship’s moving doors, flashing lights, and overall aesthetic were convincing. The ‘face hugger’ looked especially excellent, not just in appearance, but in its animation - the tightening on the neck, the acid blood drip, etc. The only effect that didn’t quite land for me was the toothy penis-looking newborn alien. I laughed at the awkward, jerky movement, but the overall effect of ripping out of the guy’s chest was still awesome.
Jump scares and other attacks that hit: It’s very difficult to make a jump scare that’s obviously coming still land and get you, but this movie does it well. You can see each character’s death from a mile away, yet each one is unique, surprising, and scary. The cat watching Brett’s death was great presentation, and the image of the ‘hug’ jump scare in Dallas’ death scene sticks in my head.
I knew it was coming, but it still got me.
‘Trust the Science™’: A subtle plot theme I enjoyed was the constant betrayal of ‘the science.’ Ash turns out to be a robot with no regard for human life. Mother enables him and becomes an obstacle for Ripley in her own survival. Science and technology can greatly advance human life, but what happens when they don’t value human life first? ‘The science’ is morally blind throughout the movie, a plot point that’s all-too-familiar in real life.
Muh strong wahmen: As a friend and movie buff said to me, it’s nice to see a movie that has a female lead but isn’t in-your-face with the gender politics of it. Do I care if Ripley is male or female? No. Just make me a good movie with a good story. This movie does that. What’s the difference between Alien and the Ghostbusters reboot? That’s it.
Trust me to get you through outer space, lol
Lambert, the hysterical lesbian: Just a horrendously insufferable character. She’s the ship’s navigator with absolutely no composure or ability to work under pressure. Why would such instability be trusted with such crucial responsibility? She shouldn’t be trusted to drive down the 101, let alone intergalactically. The only redeeming parts of her character were when she had blood splattered all over her face by the toothy-penis alien newborn, and of course, when she died. If only she could have been first - her hysteria got several others killed beforehand.
Slow to start: I can’t complain too much here - building the mystery is a necessary part of the plot, and, as I’ve praised, the movie does that well. Still, it’s well over 30 minutes, a quarter of the movie, before any alien life form is seen and the face hugger jumps on Kane. Not a major knock, but the movie is slow to get going.
THE RATING: A strong 4/5 Wickies - would recommend.
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